Complex Solution Architecture
IT Architecture continues to increase in complexity. Different deployments models such as public / private / hybrid clouds and the continuing evolution of application integrations / ESB’s all contribute to this. The only way to manage and maintain and understand today’s architectures is by visualizations.
Typical Questions include:
- What does my logical end-2-end integrated architecture look like, the big picture?
- What application are all consuming Employee data? Product data? Customer data?
- What does the infrastructure architecture for application ABC look like, per environment?
- What are all the configurations required to support Application ABC in a Test Environment?
A picture says more than a thousand words probably applies the most to end-2-end solution architecture diagrams. A common mistake can be simplying IT architectures in diagrams, showing the complexity of your IT landscape is needed sometimes.

A lot of complexity lies in the integrations between the system.

Creating logical architecture views of your environments.